Enable Two-Step Verification in Gmail(For Windows,iPhone And Android)

What is two-step Verification

Two step verification is extra layer for security that protect your account.
Two Step Verification verified that the account is being logged by its real owner.
Authentication takes place when someone tries to log into a computer resource (such as a network, device, or application). The resource requires the user to supply the identity by which the user is known to the resource, along with evidence of the authenticity of the user's claim to that identity. Simple authentication requires only one such piece of evidence (factor), typically a password. For additional security, the resource may require more than one factor—multi-factor authentication, or two-factor authentication in cases where exactly two pieces of evidence are to be supplied.

The use of multiple authentication factors to prove one's identity is based on the premise that an unauthorized actor is unlikely to be able to supply the factors required for access. 

A third-party authenticator app enables two-factor authentication in a different way, usually by showing a randomly-generated and constantly refreshing code which the user can use, rather than sending an SMS or using another method. A big benefit of these apps is that they usually continue to work even without an internet connection. 

To turn on Google Two-step Verification In Gmail

Read these steps:-

1.Go to your Google Account On myaccount.google.com,After click on the security option.

2.After Select on 2-Step Verification 

3.Picture of two step verification is given above.after that click on Get Started.
4.After this you enter your password and verify your account that your are owner of this account.
5.After you will see two option to on two step verification
    (1) SMS
    (2) Google Authorization app(only for iPhone and Android)
6. You can choose one of the above options from which to turn on two step verification

7.If you turn on via sms you will get an OTP by Google on your entered mobile number after entering password at the time of login.

8.if you turn on via Google Authorization then you will need  Google Authorization App.There will be code,After entering your password enter this code to log in.

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