Enable Two Step Verification In Whatsapp(For Android)

What is two-step Verification
Two step verification is extra layer for security that protect your account.
Two Step Verification verified that the account is being logged by its real owner.
Authentication takes place when someone tries to log into a computer resource (such as a network, device, or application). The resource requires the user to supply the identity by which the user is known to the resource, along with evidence of the authenticity of the user's claim to that identity. Simple authentication requires only one such piece of evidence (factor), typically a password. For additional security, the resource may require more than one factor—multi-factor authentication, or two-factor authentication in cases where exactly two pieces of evidence are to be supplied.

Image Source:Google

What is Two Step Verification in Whatsapp

Two-step verification is an optional(Extra Security) feature of Whatsapp that adds more security to your account. When you have two-step verification enabled, You need to enter 6 Digit Pin After Verify Your mobile number.

Enable Two Step Verification In Whatsapp(Step by Step)

1.Open Your Whatsapp and click on three dot menu and select setting.
2.After,Select Account Option 

3.Select the Two-Step Verification Option After clicking on account option


4.Enable it after clicking on Two-Step Verification


5.After Enabling this,you enter any 6 digit pin of your choice


6.Confirm pin by re-entering the pin that you have entered


7.Add A recovery email to reset your pin if you forgot pin that you have entered.
You can also fill it or skip it.
8.After all these processes your two step verification will be turned on

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