What is Google Custom Search Engine and how we use it?

Add Google Custom Search Engine in your website and earn money by connect Google Adsense to Custom Search Engine

Google search
Image Source: Google 

What is Google Custom Search Engine?

Google Custom Search Engine is a free program provided by Google.With this platform given by Google, you can show Google's search results in your website.If you want to earn money by using this you have to turn on monetization option in Google's custom search engine, for this your website must be approved by Google Adsense.You will not have to pay any kind of charge to use this service.It also helps in increase your website traffic.If someone visits your website and If he is looking for an answer of another question that is not present on your website, then he can find the answer of that question very easily using the custom search engine of your website. 

How Add this in your website?

Google CSE
Image by:Shyam Mohan Blog

1.Search Google Custom Search engine on Google and open cse.google.com or click here to go on google search engine website.

2.Then,you will see website interface as shown in above figure after click on new search engine

Google cse 2

3.Fill asked information as shown in above figure then click on create

Google cse 3

 4.After creating your custom search engine,click on control panel

Google cse 4

 5.Fill asked information as shown in above figure                                                                                       

Google cse 5

6.If you want to show Google entire search result on your custom search engine, turn on Search the entire web as shown in above figure
7.At last,find the option of get code and click on it.
8.Copy your code and paste it in your website dashboard,where you want

How to Turn on Monetization option(only for adsense approved website)?

1.Go to your Custom Search engine Control panel
2.Then,Click on Ads option

Cse Ads

3.Find the Search Engine Monetization option and turn it on
4.Then,Your Custom Search Engine is ready for show ads and earn money

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